Accolades and Awards

Behaviour Hub

Hardingstone Academy has been selected as a lead school in the Department of Education Behaviour Hubs programme. 

As a lead school for the region, Hardingstone Academy has been recognised as having positive behaviour, and so will work with other schools to provide them with advice and support to help them to improve their behaviour culture.  

It is one of just 50 schools in the country to have been selected as a lead school so far. The selection process included focus groups with a range of staff, parents and pupils from across the school who were able to talk about life at Hardingstone Academy to help support the application. 

The Behaviour Hubs programme was launched to improve pupil behaviour and provide senior leadership teams with the tailored support, training and advice needed to improve behaviour culture and generate lasting cultural change. Lead schools will work closely with the schools they are supporting to diagnose what could be improved, develop and launch new behaviour approaches and policies and provide ongoing mentoring and support. 

Our academy trust, East Midlands Academy Trust, also has its own training hub, which provides learning opportunities for staff and external stakeholders. To find out more, click here.

Lightbulb Award

We are thrilled to have achieved the St Andrew’s Mental Health Quality Mark Accreditation. This demonstrates our commitment to the mental health agenda and recognises good practice in this field. 

We have worked closely with staff from St Andrew's and they have supported us with training for staff and ideas for whole school strategies and practice. 

At Hardingstone Academy,

  • There is a commitment to ensuring that all pupils have their needs met fully from an equality and diversity perspective, a learning and behaviour perspective, and a wellbeing and support perspective.
  • Targeted support is in place for pupils who need it, and interventions meet the needs of each child.
  • The curriculum is appropriately focused on the development of resilience, wellbeing and safety and includes various approaches towards supporting children to feel safe and supported.
  • School leaders and governors ensure there is a developing culture of positive mental health for pupils.
  • There has been a focus on training around various aspects of mental health for the staff team this year. 

International Award

International learning is an important part of our curriculum as it enhances or pupils understanding of other countries and cultures. 

The school has been presented with the International School award at accreditation level by the British Council. This is awarded to schools which have established a programme of activities around international education and embedded this learning across the school. 

Hardingstone Academy is proud to have links with schools in Brazil and Ghana.

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