English as an Additional Language

At Hardingstone Academy and Nursery, we have an increasing number of children who are arriving at our school with English as an additional language or are completely new to the English language, although this remains below local and National %. We support the children in feeling safe and supported as soon as possible in their school life. The children are supported by staff and other children to become familiar with daily routines and are encouraged to join in. Our children are extremely supportive of others with EAL and pride themselves in being helpful and supportive towards them.

Staff work closely with parents to ensure a smooth transition into school for all pupils with EAL. By building this relationship we have a far better understanding of the children’s needs and where they may need additional support. We also use the ‘EAL Assessment Framework for Schools: PRIMARY.’ Supporting primary and secondary schools in assessing progression in EAL learners over time in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Viewing, and Writing. This allows us to make sure that excellent progress is being made and identify areas we need to develop with our children. Resources such as visual stimuli, ‘word aware’ approach, bi-lingual stories, where appropriate, to support all children with EAL to become more independent in learning English.

Children with EAL at Hardingstone Academy are given the tools and confidence to make excellent progress while they are with us and this assists them in their future education and life. They are fully involved in not only the classroom but many other areas of our school such as: school clubs, performances, choir, forest schools.

All children and staff at Hardingstone Academy have an appreciation for different cultures and languages and are encouraged to share their experience of the world with each other. This is shared within our assemblies, PSHE lessons and general classroom practice.

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