Breakfast and After School Club
Hardingstone Academy wrap around care is open to children attending Hardingstone Academy from Reception to Year 6 and is run by experienced staff.
Breakfast club | 7.45am-8.45am | £4.50 (first child) | £4 (sibling) |
After-school club | 3.15pm-4.30pm | £5.50 (first child) | £5 (sibling) |
After-school club | 3.15pm-5.45pm | £10.50 (first child) | £10 (sibling) |
After-school club after enrichment club | 4.15pm-5.45pm | £8 |
These prices are reviewed on a termly basis.
We provide a healthy snack for children and provide a wide range of activities.
Bookings for before and/or after-school care need to be made via Arbor (48 hours in advance). Your place will be secured once we have received payment for the term, as per our terms and conditions. Childcare vouchers can be used to make bookings.
The contact phone number for the WRAP club is 07436 905146. Please call this number to collect your child as the school office will be closed.
Key Information
Breakfast Club
Children need to be dropped off at the front entrance and make their way to the wrap around club room. Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am.
At the end of the session Key Stage 2 children are released to make their own way to their classes, through the school while Key Stage 1 and Reception children are escorted to their class by a member of the WRAP team.
After School Club
Key Stage 1 and Reception children are collected from their classes and taken to the wrap around club room while Key Stage 2 make their own way to this area where a member of the WRAP team will be waiting to greet them.
Parents can pick up at any time up until 5:45pm. All children will be signed out by the wrap club member. Children will be released via front entrance of the school to a named adult (must be over 16 years to collect a child).
Food and Snacks
A snack is available for pupils attending after school club. Healthy Eating Guidelines are followed and includes wraps or sandwiches with cheese or meat, vegetables, fruit and yoghurt.
**Please note: Hardingstone Academy is a nut-free zone.
Includes items such as; a selection of cereals, toast, crumpets, milk, water and fruit.
After School Club snack options:
- Wraps, bagels, pitta bread, crumpets, or rice cakes
- Cheese, ham, tuna mayo, chicken
- Selection of fruit and vegetables
- Fruit loaf, frube, malt loaf