Termly Learning Conferences

Termly Learning Conferences are a three-way conversation about the progress and learning of the children. They are a fantastic opportunity to find out about a child’s learning from the perspective of the child, parent and teacher. TLCs are inclusive in nature and designed to be used with all children. 

This discussion is about celebrating and discussing some of the processes of learning such as:  

  • Motivation
  • Having a go
  • Trial and error
  • Reflecting
  • Feedback

How do TLCs differ to a ‘parents evening?’

The key difference is the involvement of the pupils. They will be expected to contribute to the TLC by explaining their thoughts and feelings upon their progress.  They may share their successes and their difficulties.  This process will help the children have real ownership of their learning.

The TLCs are purely to discuss academic achievement, effort and the children’s work. If parents wish to discuss anything else, for example, behaviour, they will need to make a separate appointment for this. 

Further information

During the TLC, children will share a piece of work that they have chosen to talk about. They will talk about their successes as well as their next steps in their learning. 

TLCs enable parents and carers to support their children’s progress by ensuring that they are informed about the learning skills that are being taught and developed and plan ways in which those skills can be practised and nurtured outside the school environment. As a result, parents and carers are better informed about how they can support their children’s learning. Therefore, TLCs complement and nurture a helpful partnership with parents/carers.


  • The week before of the day of the TLC, children will be given time to identify at least one piece of work that they want to share with their parents/carers. They will need to explain why they have chosen that piece. 
  • Parents will then be involved in the discussion about the work, asking appropriate questions. (the child would also be able to show their parent the classroom environment, referring to how displays are used to support their learning etc)
  • Teachers will then refer to other learning that has taken place along with areas of strength for the child as well as areas to develop further. 
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