About Our Curriculum

Our curriculum aims to enable our children to engage with the world around them and secure outstanding outcomes for all. 

We aim to develop their communication, interaction, and social skills so that they can communicate effectively as confident individuals, stay safe and become responsible citizens. Inspire our children and develop their independence to prepare them for the next step on their journey towards fulfilling their aspirations. Provide each child with the knowledge and skills they need to develop to take those next steps in learning with confidence and be successful.

Our curriculum is based on a holistic view of the child and is personalised to meet the targets set out in their Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs). You can view the full curriculum overview at the bottom of this page.

We have organised our curriculum into the following areas:

  • My Communication and Language
  • Myself and Others
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • My Body
  • My World 
  • Learning for Life
  • Creative Me

Communication is at the heart of everything we do. Each child will have their own personalised communication pathway to enable them to develop their communication skills either verbally or non-verbally.  Our curriculum is also informed by The EMAT Curriculum (National Curriculum objectives), Development Matters and the EYFS framework.

Communication is at the heart of everything we do. Each child will have their own personalised communication pathway to enable them to develop their communication skills either verbally or non-verbally. We work closely with Speech and Language service to plan and inform personalised learning for all focused.

We recognise that we have a diverse range of needs within Butterfly Meadow and therefore our teaching and learning experiences are structured into three pathways. We have called them pathways to reflect that the children are on a journey whilst they are with us. 

Pre-Formal Pathway

Pre-Formal learners have multiple or complex needs.  Their responses might be complex and inconsistent; they are at the stage of working towards purposeful communication.  They require adults to interpret their behaviours.

The curriculum enables them to build their communication and interaction skills whilst encouraging them to engage with the world around them through a multi-sensory approach.

The curriculum will be delivered through a broad and balanced range of high-quality learning opportunities and experiences within the Social Communication Provision.

Semi-Formal Pathway

Semi- formal learners have complex learning needs. They are becoming active learners who attempt to physically explore and make sense of their surroundings and are beginning to play with purpose. They communicate with others to make sense of the world around them.

The curriculum aims to develop communication, interaction, engagement, and independence.  We plan our learning opportunities in small steps and include frequent opportunities for revisiting and making links; this includes core literacy and maths every day.

Children on this pathway will have access to more formal learning opportunities within the Social Communication Department.

Formal Pathway

Formal learners are beginning to understand abstract ideas. They can use expressive language to ask questions and negotiate with others.

Some of our children will access mainstream lessons for all or part of the day. They will be able to access the National Curriculum objectives in all or some subjects, broadly in line with their peers. 

They access formal lessons with the support of a Teaching Assistant and reasonable adjustments are made within the classroom as required.

Some children may progress along the same pathway as they move through the school, however others may move onto a different pathway as they progress and develop. All learning is personalised according to each child’s specific needs regardless of the pathway they are following. Teaching groups are organised according to stage of development as well as age.

Lessons are not necessarily planned as discrete subjects, as they will often incorporate elements of learning from some or all the areas with the development of communication and interaction being at the heart of everything we do. 

Each half term we have a different topic or theme which will be used as a context for learning activities. We have chosen themes and topics that will broaden the experiences of our children and open the world around them whilst still being relevant to their stage of development and interest.


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